Motorola CoreScanner Driver Wrapper
CMotorola.Snapi.Commands.AccessControl | Access Control commands. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Commands.Actions | Beeper and LED control. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Commands.Defaults | Controls default settings on your scanner. Can restore defaults and write custom defaults. |
▼CEventArgs | |
CMotorola.Snapi.EventArguments.IoEventArgs | Contains data that is sent by the scanner when another device tries to access it and it is exclusively claimed. |
▼CMotorola.Snapi.EventArguments.ScannerEventArgs | Contains just a scannerId. Base class for all Scanner events. |
CMotorola.Snapi.EventArguments.BarcodeScanEventArgs | Contains the data generated by scanning a barcode. |
▼CMotorola.Snapi.EventArguments.FirmwareEventArgs | Data passed by all firmware related events. |
CMotorola.Snapi.EventArguments.DownloadEventArgs | Contains event information related to firmware downloading. Contains the current component being downloaded and the number of records downloaded. |
CMotorola.Snapi.EventArguments.FlashStartEventArgs | Data sent by scanner when a flash has started. |
CMotorola.Snapi.EventArguments.ImageEventArgs | Contains image data and sender info for when a scanner captures an image. |
CMotorola.Snapi.EventArguments.PnpEventArgs | Contains scanner info sent when a scanner is connected or disconnected. |
CMotorola.Snapi.EventArguments.VideoEventArgs | Not implemented. Only contains scanner id. No plans to implement in the near future unless I find a need for it. |
▼CException | |
CMotorola.Snapi.ScannerException | |
CMotorola.Snapi.Commands.Firmware | Firmware related commands. |
▼CIDisposable | |
CMotorola.Snapi.BarcodeScannerManager | BarcodeScannerManager is where all barcode scanners are managed and where a user application or library can open an instance of the driver. This should be the first class accessed in this library by a user application. |
▼CMotorola.Snapi.IMotorolaBarcodeScanner | |
CMotorola.Snapi.BarcodeScanner | |
CMotorola.Snapi.Commands.Keyboard | Keyboard emulation control. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Commands.MacroPdf | Methods for flushing and aborting MacroPDF reads. |
▼CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.MotorolaAttributeSet | Base class for all attribute sets. Contains methods for setting and getting attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Adf | Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner ADF rule attributes |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Beeper | Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner beeper attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Chinese2Of5 | Provides properties for accessing Chinese 2 of 5 barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Codabar | Provides properties for accessing Codabar barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Code11 | Provides properties for accessing Code11 barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Code128 | Provides properties for accessing Code128 barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Code32 | Provides properties for accessing Code32 barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Code39 | Provides properties for accessing Code39 barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Code93 | Provides properties for accessing Code93 barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.DataMatrixQr | Provides properties for accessing DataMatrix QR barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Discovery | Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner discovery attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Discrete2Of5 | Provides properties for accessing Discrete 2 of 5 (DTF) barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Imaging | Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner imaging attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Interleaved2Of5 | Provides properties for accessing Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.LicenseParsing | Provides properties for accessing and modifying Driver License Parsing attributes |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Maxicode | Provides properties for accessing Maxicode barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Msi | Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner MSI barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Ocr | Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner OCR attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Pdf | Provides properties for accessing PDF barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Postal | Provides properties for accessing Postal barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.RssGs1Databar | Provides properties for accessing RSS / GS1 Databar barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.SignatureCapture | Provides properties for accessing and modifying SignatureCapture attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Status | Provides properties for accessing status attributes of cordless scanners. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.SymbologySecurity | Provides properties for accessing barcode security attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.Synapse | The Synapse buffer attribute contains a proprietary format which stores host configuration. This format is not published however, the contents of this attribute can be copied from a “golden” scanner which has the correct settings and copied to other devices. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.SystemEvents | Provides properties for accessing and modifying SystemEvents attributes. These apply only to SSI RS232 mode. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.UpcEan | Provides properties for accessing and modifying UPC and EAN barcode attributes. |
CMotorola.Snapi.Attributes.ScannerAttribute | Represents a single scanner attribute. Holds identification info and the value of the attribute. |
CMotorola.Snapi.ScannerInfo | Contains information about this scanner |
CMotorola.Snapi.Commands.Trigger | Represents a virtual trigger. Contains commands for pulling and releasing the trigger. Must set TriggerByCommand to true to begin using. |