Motorola CoreScanner Driver Wrapper
Package Motorola.Snapi.Attributes


class  Adf
 Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner ADF rule attributes. More...
class  Beeper
 Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner beeper attributes. More...
class  Chinese2Of5
 Provides properties for accessing Chinese 2 of 5 barcode attributes. More...
class  Codabar
 Provides properties for accessing Codabar barcode attributes. More...
class  Code11
 Provides properties for accessing Code11 barcode attributes. More...
class  Code128
 Provides properties for accessing Code128 barcode attributes. More...
class  Code32
 Provides properties for accessing Code32 barcode attributes. More...
class  Code39
 Provides properties for accessing Code39 barcode attributes. More...
class  Code93
 Provides properties for accessing Code93 barcode attributes. More...
class  DataMatrixQr
 Provides properties for accessing DataMatrix QR barcode attributes. More...
class  Discovery
 Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner discovery attributes. More...
class  Discrete2Of5
 Provides properties for accessing Discrete 2 of 5 (DTF) barcode attributes. More...
class  Imaging
 Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner imaging attributes. More...
class  Interleaved2Of5
 Provides properties for accessing Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) barcode attributes. More...
class  LicenseParsing
 Provides properties for accessing and modifying Driver License Parsing attributes. More...
class  Maxicode
 Provides properties for accessing Maxicode barcode attributes. More...
class  MotorolaAttributeSet
 Base class for all attribute sets. Contains methods for setting and getting attributes. More...
class  Msi
 Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner MSI barcode attributes. More...
class  Ocr
 Provides properties for accessing and modifying scanner OCR attributes. More...
class  Pdf
 Provides properties for accessing PDF barcode attributes. More...
class  Postal
 Provides properties for accessing Postal barcode attributes. More...
class  RssGs1Databar
 Provides properties for accessing RSS / GS1 Databar barcode attributes. More...
class  ScannerAttribute
 Represents a single scanner attribute. Holds identification info and the value of the attribute. More...
class  SignatureCapture
 Provides properties for accessing and modifying SignatureCapture attributes. More...
class  Status
 Provides properties for accessing status attributes of cordless scanners. More...
class  SymbologySecurity
 Provides properties for accessing barcode security attributes. More...
class  Synapse
 The Synapse buffer attribute contains a proprietary format which stores host configuration. This format is not published however, the contents of this attribute can be copied from a “golden” scanner which has the correct settings and copied to other devices. More...
class  SystemEvents
 Provides properties for accessing and modifying SystemEvents attributes. These apply only to SSI RS232 mode. More...
class  UpcEan
 Provides properties for accessing and modifying UPC and EAN barcode attributes. More...