Motorola CoreScanner Driver Wrapper
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAdfProvides properties for accessing and modifying scanner ADF rule attributes
 CBeeperProvides properties for accessing and modifying scanner beeper attributes.
 CChinese2Of5Provides properties for accessing Chinese 2 of 5 barcode attributes.
 CCodabarProvides properties for accessing Codabar barcode attributes.
 CCode11Provides properties for accessing Code11 barcode attributes.
 CCode128Provides properties for accessing Code128 barcode attributes.
 CCode32Provides properties for accessing Code32 barcode attributes.
 CCode39Provides properties for accessing Code39 barcode attributes.
 CCode93Provides properties for accessing Code93 barcode attributes.
 CDataMatrixQrProvides properties for accessing DataMatrix QR barcode attributes.
 CDiscoveryProvides properties for accessing and modifying scanner discovery attributes.
 CDiscrete2Of5Provides properties for accessing Discrete 2 of 5 (DTF) barcode attributes.
 CImagingProvides properties for accessing and modifying scanner imaging attributes.
 CInterleaved2Of5Provides properties for accessing Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) barcode attributes.
 CLicenseParsingProvides properties for accessing and modifying Driver License Parsing attributes
 CMaxicodeProvides properties for accessing Maxicode barcode attributes.
 CMotorolaAttributeSetBase class for all attribute sets. Contains methods for setting and getting attributes.
 CMsiProvides properties for accessing and modifying scanner MSI barcode attributes.
 COcrProvides properties for accessing and modifying scanner OCR attributes.
 CPdfProvides properties for accessing PDF barcode attributes.
 CPostalProvides properties for accessing Postal barcode attributes.
 CRssGs1DatabarProvides properties for accessing RSS / GS1 Databar barcode attributes.
 CScannerAttributeRepresents a single scanner attribute. Holds identification info and the value of the attribute.
 CSignatureCaptureProvides properties for accessing and modifying SignatureCapture attributes.
 CStatusProvides properties for accessing status attributes of cordless scanners.
 CSymbologySecurityProvides properties for accessing barcode security attributes.
 CSynapseThe Synapse buffer attribute contains a proprietary format which stores host configuration. This format is not published however, the contents of this attribute can be copied from a “golden” scanner which has the correct settings and copied to other devices.
 CSystemEventsProvides properties for accessing and modifying SystemEvents attributes. These apply only to SSI RS232 mode.
 CUpcEanProvides properties for accessing and modifying UPC and EAN barcode attributes.
 CAccessControlAccess Control commands.
 CActionsBeeper and LED control.
 CDefaultsControls default settings on your scanner. Can restore defaults and write custom defaults.
 CFirmwareFirmware related commands.
 CKeyboardKeyboard emulation control.
 CMacroPdfMethods for flushing and aborting MacroPDF reads.
 CTriggerRepresents a virtual trigger. Contains commands for pulling and releasing the trigger. Must set TriggerByCommand to true to begin using.
 CBarcodeScanEventArgsContains the data generated by scanning a barcode.
 CDownloadEventArgsContains event information related to firmware downloading. Contains the current component being downloaded and the number of records downloaded.
 CFirmwareEventArgsData passed by all firmware related events.
 CFlashStartEventArgsData sent by scanner when a flash has started.
 CImageEventArgsContains image data and sender info for when a scanner captures an image.
 CIoEventArgsContains data that is sent by the scanner when another device tries to access it and it is exclusively claimed.
 CPnpEventArgsContains scanner info sent when a scanner is connected or disconnected.
 CScannerEventArgsContains just a scannerId. Base class for all Scanner events.
 CVideoEventArgsNot implemented. Only contains scanner id. No plans to implement in the near future unless I find a need for it.
 CBarcodeScannerManagerBarcodeScannerManager is where all barcode scanners are managed and where a user application or library can open an instance of the driver. This should be the first class accessed in this library by a user application.
 CScannerInfoContains information about this scanner